The Bivocational Pastor

Since I am getting consistent rebukes about not updating this blog. I thought I would include some thoughts from the books that I have been reading. It will help me record the notable quotes, while also challenging you, the reader, to read more inspirational books.
The book begins with the definition of success; keeping a Heavenly perspective of the definition of true success will help when our view of success fail. The third chapter presented the difference between vision and dreams. "Dreamers are content to wish things were different; visionaries seek ways to partner with God to make a difference." (p.28). In the sixth chapter, the author encourages us to stay long enough in the small church in order to make a difference. Stating that many small churches remain in survival mode because of the rapid turnover of pastors in small churches. He has a powerful statement: "You will also have to win the battle against discouragement. Change and growth usually come slowly in the smaller church. There will be months and even years when it seems that nothing worthwhile is occurring. You may even doubt that God ever gave you a vision for the church. (p. 73). The tenth chapter is on "equipping the laity". Using one of my often quoted passages, the author expounds on Ephesians 4:11-12 with this statement: "Too often, Pastors are wearing themselves out trying to do the work of the ministry of the church while laypeople sit in the pews scoring their pastor'sefforts. Such ministry is not only seldom successful but also unbiblical." (p.115). Diving deeper into that thought, the author quotes John Maxwell as saying, "If we take people as they are, we make them worse. If we take them as they should be, we help them become what they can be." (p. 121).
I found this book extremely applicable to my current situation of "two jobs, and one ministry". While the author does seem to be repetitious in some instances, it was a great challenge and the one thing needful!
Pastor Art,
thanks for the update, what a convicting read. As a layperson there is so much to do that falls in your lap. I pray discouragement doesn't find you. You're a true vessel.
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